History of the upper yough

History of The Upper Yough: Stories

Listen and read stories about Upper Yough.

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History of the Upper Yough Race

Now going for well over 30 years, the Upper Yough Race is a community institution. It’s the lone long release guaranteed each season, so that the dozens of racers can have the river to themselves while speeding their way through the rapids.

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Youghiogheny River History

The Youghiogheny River is an incredible and unique resource, both as a natural and a cultural asset. It is a relatively “big water” river that flows from the crest of the Appalachians northward, flows 365 days a year and is an amazing cool temperature throughout the heat of the summer. Other rivers in the Mid-Atlantic may contain some of these qualities, but no other river has all of the them rolled into one package like the Yough.

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Dams on the Upper Yough: What Almost Wasn’t

There was supposed to be a dam at Sang Run.

And another at Swallow Falls. A third major dam in Crellin for water storage would have completed the plan. The Youghiogheny flows free today from its origins above Silver Lake until it crosses the Pennsylvania border. But engineers, politicians, and power companies spent the first half of the twentieth century trying to reduce it to a series of lakes.

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