Rafting Outfitters




Wilderness Voyageurs

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Pricing is *PER ALBUM*


Laurel Highlands

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Pricing is *PER ALBUM*



Upper Yough Expeditions

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Pricing is *PER ALBUM*

Precision Rafting

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Pricing is *PER DAY*


Scroll down to get more info on each outfitter! Tag us and them in your posts so we can share the smiles! ^_^

Upper Yough Rafting Outfitters

Your expert Upper Yough river guides are at the top of their game. Tumbling down through the mountains of Western Maryland, this Class IV-V river rafting trip is more like running a steep creek than a river. Fast-paced and action-packed, you have to be on your toes, ready to paddle hard and precisely following the commands of your expert guide!


*The rafting outfitters listed are who we partner with. For more outfitter options please search online.*

Wilderness Voyageurs

more info



Laurel Highlands Outfitters

more info



Upper Yough Expeditions

more info



Precision Rafting

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